
Why We Should Remembering T.I.T.S?

December, 11 2013. 3 minutes read.

Did this title attracted you? FYI, don't expect I will show someone tits in here.

Well, t.i.t.s not stands for The Information Technology Specialist nor Thanks, In Tits we Spurt.

tits is my own definition. Made for easily remembering my own life recipes. Here the T.I.T.S that you should remember in your every single day:

t stand for time.

Well, we always need time, start from a time to pursue our dreams until a time to get escape when you suddenly fart in your first dates. My simple message is, this shit will never happen. We move forward gentleman. Plan what will you do. Do what you've planned.

i for integrity.

In 2011, as a lecturer in computer science, I always ask my students about the motivation being computer science students. Mostly they answer are get a job and have a good salary. They think to get paid is just from getting a job.

Well, this answer was similar when my y2k era. Nothing improvement about an answer or reason, for being a computer science dude. But you know, the tools/IDE or framework already big change since that era. We should more creative then.

Why we should have an integrity ?

Well. I started explain the important of integrity with my old fashion story in my life.

When in the first level of my junior high school, the teacher wrote our rank among the whole student in the class. Well, my teacher only wrote a rank, in which some students in the top ten positions of his scores. Well they never wrote my rank on my book report, this mean I was not top ten students in one semester. Usually my father gets mad about this, asking why you aren't studying hard, I am too much wasting time with play around and blah blah blah.

But, at some the parent meeting at my junior high school in the second semester (in the second semester, if I pass, I will upgrade to second level on my junior high school). He told me: Ok son, if you could have a top ten rank in the next semester, I will buy you some Personal Computer.

I am so surprised, he was not mad at that time. I was so happy. And I have been studied hard since then, and I am on top ten. I am the runner up. From no rank to the second grade in a class. I directly imagine having computer in my room. Playing rambo on PC DOS 4.0.

Sadly, after I receive 2nd rank among my class. He hasn't kept that promise. After I remind him about his promise, he just said, that I don't need a computer, yet. I really, really sad and mad about this.

Not for show off, my reason choose computer science in college is not to get a job, but for push my father to buy me a personal computer, that he has already promised to me since I was in junior high school.

That's why I so damn crazy entering computer science, just want to demand my dad promises. I kept my integrity.

Yup, it is a silly reason for entering computer science with an emotional reason. But recently, I am happy to have this kind of motivation. Because this kind of integrity, I could receive PhD scholarships in computer science at Kumamoto University. We go to Japan mina-san. Before, I never thought I will bring little family live in here for three years. This will be special experience for us. What I tryin to say is, with integrity, is an alternative way to our success.

t stands for trust.

Back to get a job matters.

Just say, now you are the boss of famous women underwear. And you already have a driver for your mini cooper. And your driver was graduated from the Harvard Driver School. Your driver named Schumi. Schumi has a ten times world cup of driving crazy and naked championship. Well, you proud of him except one thing. He hasn't so trusted. Why? Because, when you left your $100 bill, in the back seat, He will take it. He doesn't return it back to you. Well, because of his skills, you calculate his effort with your loss is not worth it. You keep Schumi as your driver.

One year later, your company getting bigger, and you still lose your $100 bill in many times and not return back. Then you meet your old friends which you last remember knowing him as most trusted friends, and barely you found him not successful in life. And your friend says that he jobless now, and his skill is only driven car safely, not graduate from the Harvard Driver School also never attend those championships. Well, I bet you start thinking fired Schumi.

Did you get the messages?

s stand for skill's.

Well, I ask for my student again. Which better, you look for the company or companies looks for you?. Indeed, better we know the value of yourself and focus on self upgrading. Do not afraid where you will gonna get a job.

If computer are upgradable, why can't we?

From where we started?

Being a creative and skilled person, we should have something called curiosity. Curious about why this thing happens, how solve this problem. This mean, we must do or have hobby to dive in on something that's called crowdsourcing or academic guys said research. What's the meaning of crowdsourcing or do we need crowdsourcing ? I made some note in here. And for motivated my students, I made this research group.

Anyway ...

Ask for yourself. What will you give to your propose company? Your skill or will?

If you give them your skill, you may think I just give them my skill same as what they will pay me. Well, this I called suicide.


Because, usually in this recent age company, they have S.O.P, or simply said, you just do what they say to you what to do.

Sadly, when you think you will give them only your skills, you don't have the will to improve your skill. So after 5 years working at the company, and suddenly you plan to quit, you will desperately search company that offer position which may apply the same level of your skill, or same job with same kind way to implement your skill. No improvisation at all. And possibly do not want change other jobs.

Different if you plan to give your will, or we can say, your passion. You will tempted to work in some company respect your will. Freely your effort while at work, you could do your will too. If you could work for this kind of company, I bet you will totally give what your skill automatically. The question is, do you really wanna be life time employee?.

Ok. Now is turn your story. Did you have other way besides the TITS? Give me a shot.

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